Sunday 8 April 2012

NIKE Shoes Allah

Boycott Puma & Nike Becasue they have written Allah(swt) on their shoes!

These people always try to embarrass Islam on each and every way they can.
Let`s stop purchasing and using these products and make these companies suffer.

"AIR" was written in such a way on the backside of the shoe, if observed closely looks as "Allah" written in Arabic.

This PUMA Shoes is Still on Sale write 345404 03 in Google search and See yourself.

NIKE'S ADVERTISEMENT:  Nike's ad which shows Muslims prostrating to a woman in one of their brand jeans. I will remind you of what the Company Nike did to Muslims when they portray the name of Allah on one of their sports shoes. The result was that Malaysia, Indonesia and the Gulf states including Saudi Arabia stopped importing Nike products. If you look carefully you will find that it was after that incident that Nike began to report earnings less than expected on the wall street which caused their stock price to tumble. The stock price has not recovered yet. Check it for yourselves.

COCA-COLA : This is the most commonly used cold drinks in the world. If you ever see coca-cola written in Mirror Image you just might notice with a thorough observation that it says "LA MAKKAH, LA MUHAMMAD", (meaning no Makkah, no Muhammad) in Arabic, This is another freemasonic work.

Selling Allah, Muhammad Name Shoes:


  1. stupid mad dog dont u have any shame?????write name of ur own gods on shoes

    1. you and ur country will b destroy before 2013 ...INSHALLAH

    2. its 2013 and my country still exists, you fascistic ass. Why don't you do the world a favor and send your coordinates to the drone people in the CIA.

      Also I don't have a god, I'm an atheist! But I do believe in freedom of speech. If someone wrote Muhammad was a child molester on a pair of shoes, I'd defend them from you.

    3. Allah is a little pet of a beast who sucks of animals in the full light of day. I know for a fact, as I've seen a cartoon image of it.

    4.'s already 2013. So, you are wrong, sir, along with your primitive belief system. How's that 6 year old bride of yours doing? You guys working on having a child yourselves? Have you dowsed a women with acid yet? Why are you here when you can be blowing yourself up in the name of your imaginary god?

  2. You're batshit crazy.

  3. Are you crazy nike and coke cmpne.
    You are doing our insult of our relgn and our god stop this selling comodites of our gods name shame on your all muslim comment on this article if you are a true muslim

    1. Learn to spell.

    2. do you even know how to use a computer?

  4. from what i think the last photo has just been edited using picture editing software like adobe phoshop.
    that is what i think

  5. Nothing is required to destroy people like you.
    You will kill each other, Insha Allah

  6. Allah o fuckbar

  7. Allah OINK Fuckbar....We will f##k all 72 hurs before it could reach to jehadi/terrorist dogs!

  8. The world is fighting two major diseases, and both are spread through fucking.
    One is AIDS and the other is islam.
    Of the two, islam is by far the most dangerous, because although AIDS kills many victims,
    when someone catches islam, they become zombies - brain dead but still walking.
    You can combat AIDS with medication, but the only answer to the disease of islam is to stone it to death.
    Never let it into your country because it will infect your family and friends.

  9. i think a person who can not do any thing . then he can only bark and all non Muslims you can not imagine that how the hell and this land will do with those who are not on faith in Allah my religion not allowed me to abuse any person and any religion in this world but i will still praying for you people Allah may give you the hidayah the light the sight of iman no doubt innallaha alaa kulli shai in qadeer .

  10. There were people at the time of Prophet SAWS who was in full action against him SAWS like now days. Allah SWT destroyed all of them & our beloved prophet SAWS got the success from Allah SWT (Alhamdulillah) Islam will stay till the last day this cheap thing will not work out but it only shows us their lowest & cheap mentality.

  11. nike shoes and coke company are you crazy bloody fool ur mother fucker dont spoil our names of muslims "mein tera baap is kamini company ka haramkhor"
